Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

So Many Things To Learn

As I am trying to adapt my gluten free lifestyle I am learning so much. I am a gastric by-pass patient and I am now having issues with gluten now that I am 7 plus years out of surgery. I had surgery August 10, 2004 and I lost over 160 pounds. I went from 292 size 24/26 to 128 size 2/4 in just over 18 months. I was able to keep most of it off for almost 5 years after regaining about 15 pounds.

After 5 years being post-op I started having issues with carbs or so I thought it was carbs and I gained another 15 to 20 pounds. As it turns out it was Gluten that my maim issue was. I went almost completely GF for almost a year and I dropped about 15. I injured my knee doing the Nike Women's Half Marathon in October of 2010 and became a little depressed that I was not able to run so I ate. With in 6 months I gained another 25 pounds putting myself higher than I had been in almost 6 years 175 (YIKES).

After seeing pictures of myself in Hawaii last year I knew I had to do something about my diet again. I started cutting out all gluten again and the weight started to drop off again. I have been trying to stay away from gluten as much as I can however it is in Almost Everything I love!!!

I am starting to try to make lots of gluten free dishes for my friends and family. I am learning something new everyday and I am Loving it!!!! As I learn more and more I plan to share more and more with the world.


To Blog or Not To Blog

To blog or not to blog has been a thought in my head for some time now. I work full time and commute 12 plus hours a week on top of going to school getting my pre req's done for nursing school. A very good friend of mine has told me time and time again that I need a blog to record my gluten free lifestyle I am adapting.

I cannot guarantee that I will be able to blog a great deal of information but I am going to try my best to post a recipe or website that I have come across as often as I can.